Give yourself permission to live more of the life you want and less of the one you’ve been living for everyone else 

There’s a big part of you that wants to go for your biggest dreams and show up in this world aligned with your true nature.

 Those dreams and desires remind you: you’ve got something more to bring into this world.  

And deep down, you KNOW you have the creativity and talent to do so.

But most of the time, the self-belief required to make them your reality is nowhere to be found. And it feels hard to connect to any strong sense of self.  

You have a few insights as to why: 

There’s a big part of you that wants to go for your biggest dreams and show up in this world aligned with your true nature.

Those dreams and desires remind you: you’ve got something more to bring into this world.  

And deep down, you KNOW you have the creativity and talent to do so.

But most of the time, the self-belief required to make them your reality is nowhere to be found. And it feels hard to connect to any strong sense of self.  

You have a few insights as to why: 

♡ Even though you’re highly sensitive and feel things deeply, you don’t apply this superpower to yourself. So you get so busy taking care of everyone else that you don’t know where to start when it comes to taking care of your OWN needs let alone connecting with something as indulgent as ‘desires’.

♡ You almost wear your self-sacrificing as a badge of honour, but it leaves you feeling emotionally drained all the time. Even though you know the world won’t fall apart if you ask for what you want, or if you say ‘no’ to that request from your friend/mother-in-law/colleague, it feels easier to just keep going along with it. So you continue to people please and prioritise everyone’s needs and desires before your own.

♡ When you DO have the clarity and spark of desire to do that thing that’s important to you, procrastination blocks your start and momentum. “I’d better wait until I have more energy/until  I‘m more qualified/ until I believe in myself…”. And each time you listen to those reasons, it confirms those ‘rules’ are true, makes you feel even more stressed and burnt out, and adds ANOTHER piece of evidence in your neverending mental tab of ‘things you’ve failed at because you can’t follow through’. 

You know haven’t even scraped the surface of what you’re capable of because you’re stuck in these cycles.

 And they’re why you feel exhausted at the idea of what it would take to achieve your dreams and desires.

 Here’s what’s really going on…

These internal tug-of-wars are keeping you struggling against yourself instead of softening into who you are.

But to get to where you want to go, you DON’T need to be ‘stronger’ and ‘more resilient’.

You don’t need to keep masking your vulnerability from the world.  

Believing those things will only keep you stuck in this frustrating push-pull inner relationship for even longer. And it will hold you back from getting to deeply know and love yourself.

It’s not your fault these patterns are showing up in your relationship with yourself in the first place.

There’s a reason why all this doubt and procrastination is blocking you right now: 

You’re functioning in a society that constantly bombards you with messages that put conditions on your self-worth as a woman or a mum 

As someone who’s been socialised as a woman, you’ve had decades of subtly-and-not-so-subtly being told your worth is dependent on:

♡ How fast you achieve external success markers in your career, family or business, it’s not enough to go at your own pace, or to only go for what YOU want
♡ How ‘hard’ you work  
♡ Being ‘strong’ instead of vulnerable
♡Putting others needs before your own (because being a ‘good and nurturing woman/mother’ is what your worth is based upon) 

These messages become internalised beliefs that convince you to withhold permission from yourself to be who you truly are:

You’re a unique being who was born worthy.  

Your worth isn’t dependent on anything you say or do, or your 
weight, or your appearance or what your body looks like. (Ever!)

Everything you’ve been surrounded by your whole life has made you believe otherwise, but, quite frankly, it’s all bullshit.

The good news is, even though there are these oppressive societal systems at play, you still have a powerful force inside of you to create what you want in life.

Scroll this way, lady…

Here’s what’s true about those things you want to do and achieve:

 They won’t make you any more worthy.  Because you already ARE worthy. (If you didn’t already get the message by this point: you 👏. are👏. worthy👏.)

But achieving your dreams will bring you meaning and joy when you acknowledge your worthiness, connect to who you truly are and take action from a place of self-acceptance, self-compassion and self-belief.

 Wondering how I know this to be true?

 It’s time I introduced myself…

Hi, I’m Sam.

I’m a Positive Psychology Life Coach, psychotherapist,  Mum to six-year-old, Amelie and baby Frankie, and passionate advocate for being radically kind and compassionate to yourself.  

Terms like ‘self-compassion’, ‘self-worth’ and ‘self-acceptance’ get used a lot these days. But to me, these aren’t just ‘nice sounding words’.

My degree in social work, post-graduate qualifications, training in cognitive behavioural therapy, family therapy, gestalt therapy, and decades as a practising therapist and coach have shown me these inner resources are the difference between being stuck in survival mode and confidently thriving.

I’ve seen time and again how self-belief and the way you treat yourself impacts EVERY area of your life.

Your career
Your relationships
Your mothering

And I’ve experienced the truth of this first-hand. 

I wasn’t born as one of those people who just ‘knew’ they were worthy and confident.

I grew up as a sensitive person and the people around me didn’t really know how to respond to my emotions. So I developed the belief that there was something wrong with me, carried a LOT of shame around it, and ended up feeling lost in who I was with no real strong sense of identity.

 When I started to date, I looked to my partner to define my identity.

  From the age of 20-24 I was in a relationship that sucked me dry.

 Since I lacked a strong sense of my own self worth, it felt easier to put all my focus on them, all at the expense of neglecting myself and my own hopes and dreams — from the ‘small’ things like saying no to going out with friends to the ‘big’ things like putting off my dreams to work and travel overseas.

When that relationship ended, it honestly felt like my life was over EVEN THOUGH I was so unhappy in that relationship.

 I went to see a therapist while I was feeling this deep sense of loss and sadness and anger, and to be honest, I kind of expected them to empathise with me about how bad this break up was and how hard it was for me. 

Why? Because I really didn’t see myself as a worthwhile person. That’s why I’d disrespected my own boundaries time and time again.

I believed my ‘worthiness’ was conditional on being in that specific relationship (and putting his needs above my own).

I went to see a therapist while I was feeling this deep sense of loss and sadness and anger, and to be honest, I kind of expected them to empathise with me about how bad this break up was and how hard it was for me.

Sometimes change takes a long time. But sometimes it’s literally one conversation with the right person that can change your life.

Instead of saying , ‘oh poor you, that sounds really hard’, she said to me,
'You know what, you have so much to celebrate. You’ve gotten out of a really unhealthy relationship.'

It was such an ‘aha’ moment for me.

For the first time, I realised I was worthy BEYOND the role I played in other people’s lives.

That’s why I do this work as a coach today: to show you the things you perhaps can’t see clearly for yourself, to connect with your self-worth, and to help you translate that into your relationship with yourself, and everyone around you.


Breaking up with procrastination, people pleasing, and self-sacrificing doesn’t magically happen because you ‘intellectually’ understand that you’re born worthy

If it were enough to be told that you’re inherently worthy, and believe it, all those instagram posts you’ve saved probably would’ve solved the problem, and you’d be making meaningful momentum on your deepest desires and dreams by now. 

But taking action from a deep sense of self-worth and self-belief is a skill you learn and embody.

Over the last two decades, I’ve used my evidence-backed skills to support mums, business owners, coaches, and women who know they want more from life, to do exactly this.

And in the process, they shift their relationships with themselves, soften into who they truly are and show up with calm confidence throughout every area of their life.

Now I’ve created the exact coaching container for you to experience that for yourself so you can make your dreams come true and enjoy the process.

Permission Granted
Stop struggling against yourself and start softening into the unapologetic version of who you are.

Permission Granted is the spacious, gentle and powerfully affirming group coaching program informed by my years of experience and training in psychotherapy.

It’s the program that not only leads you back home to yourself (perhaps for the first time)...

This is where you’ll build the inner resources to show up as who you truly are and go for what you really want, fuelled by a calm confidence founded on a lasting sense of self-worth.

You’ll spend 6 months alongside an intimate group of women (capped at 20 people) who you feel safe to be with while you do the inner work required to change your outer world…and then you’ll take gentle action to make those changes.

During our time together you’ll:

Break the cycles of procrastination, self-sacrificing and people-pleasing
Build a strong sense of self as you become a detective on what it means to be YOU, discover the map of who you truly are and get clear on how you’re uniquely designed to live and thrive in this world

Build the skill of taking action by connecting to your self-worth and self-belief, and

Transform your relationship with yourself from conditional kindness to one of unconditional self-compassion and self-acceptance so you can be unapologetically YOU.

“I didn’t realise I didn’t know myself very well until I did this work.”

“During my time working with Sam I realised the importance of building something that supports me, rather than just provides a lifeline.  

Permission Granted empowered me to include joy in my life.

I had a lot going on in my life last year. I was in a toxic work environment. But in August I finished working in the corporate world, and now I’m a virtual assistant specialising in systems and process development – which is all thanks to Sam! If I wasn’t in Permission Granted, there’s no way I would have left my job.

Now I feel like I can go into this year being more aligned because I know everything I’m doing, I’m doing it for me, rather than trying to please someone else."

- Steph

This is the place for you whether you’re a mama, a business owner, a coach, or a woman who wants to stop lingering on the sidelines of her life.

“It doesn't feel like work anymore.”

“From being in Permission Granted, I see a massive difference from where I was to where I am from a year ago.

Now I give myself permission to dream and expand in a way that is so much more healthy and gentle on my nervous system.

 Before Permission Granted my usual pattern was to try to push myself and then punish myself when I wasn't living up to the standards I imagined.  

Through Sam’s coaching in Permission Granted, I’ve learnt to take gentle yet expansive steps towards what feels joyous. It doesn't feel like work anymore.

I am more grounded in myself and trust in my worthiness so much more.”

 - Holly, Life Coach/Breathwork facilitator/Social Worker

Here’s what it takes to discover who you truly are, create a relationship with yourself based on compassion and self-worth and finally take action towards your dreams

 The coaching process you follow throughout Permission Granted is a continual 4-step cycle informed by my decades of experience in the world of counselling and psychotherapy.

Here’s what it takes to discover who you truly are, create a relationship with yourself based on compassion and self-worth and finally take action towards your dreams

 The coaching process you follow throughout Permission Granted is a continual 4-step cycle informed by my decades of experience in the world of counselling and psychotherapy.

Every step you follow is based on the foundational idea that YOU are a distinct being, with unique insight into your own existence, behaviour and desires.

Permission Granted provides you with an environment to explore all aspects of yourself — including your present-self, past-self, and future-self’s perceptions, feelings and actions — in the here and now for six whole months.

 Here and now is where you have the greatest power. It’s where you’re most easily able to work out what you need, and access your autonomy to get those needs met. 

Every step you follow is based on the foundational idea that YOU are a distinct being, with unique insight into your own existence, behaviour and desires.

Permission Granted provides you with an environment to explore all aspects of yourself — including your present-self, past-self, and future-self’s perceptions, feelings and actions — in the here and now for six whole months.

 Here and now is where you have the greatest power. It’s where you’re most easily able to work out what you need, and access your autonomy to get those needs met. 

1. Self awareness  

Even if you’ve worked with a therapist before, or read all the personal development books, getting aware of noticing your thoughts, feelings and perceptions is continual, ongoing work.

So that’s our starting point in the Permission Granted Process too.

Throughout our time together, I’ll be asking you questions you might not think to ask yourself, so you can uncover whole new layers of awareness. 

2. Curiosity

Curiosity and self-awareness are closely intertwined — this step is about taking the awareness a layer deeper and understanding the WHY behind where you’re at right now.

So this curiosity step is where you start to get off the well-beaten track of what you always do, and start to get curious about different ways of being — it’s where you start discovering and creating the map of you.

3. Compassionate acceptance

When you struggle against yourself and who you are, you unintentionally create an energetic stuck-ness.

So this step is about dropping the criticism, learning to soften into who you are and accepting where you’re at because that’s when you FREE yourself to take action.  

4. Experiment

Since you’re here to create change in your inner and outer world, we don’t stop with inner steps above.

Inviting yourself to try something new while approaching it with the mindset of a beginner is  where you build the skill of stepping into the cycle of taking brave action, and learning from it.

Because it’s an experiment, there’s no failure, only learning. Which means you feel safe to try brave things — you’ve set it up where no matter what happens, you’re always enough.  

You’ll move through this 4-step cycle throughout our six months together, each time building a stronger sense of self as you peel back another layer of what it means to be unapologetically you.

The modules you’ll work through each month in Permission Granted cover everything you need to create the kind of relationship with yourself that impacts every area of your life.

The modules you’ll work through each month in Permission Granted cover everything you need to create the kind of relationship with yourself that impacts every area of your life.

What to expect:

Module 1: Permission to be Unapologetically You

We start with a bang — even if module 1 is the ONLY module you had access to for Permission Granted, it would be enough to make the entire program worth your time and investment. (and you’ve still got 5 more after!)

♡ Discover the paradoxical theory of change and learn how powerful self-acceptance can truly be.

♡ Lead yourself through impostor syndrome so you can start showing up and taking risks WITHOUT frying your nervous system OR having to wait until you feel 100% ready to take action.

♡ Build a rock-solid foundation of self-worth so your ‘unworthiness’ blocks start loosening their grip on patterns like people pleasing and procrastination.

Module 2: Permission to Explore Your Purpose

♡ Harness the power of visualisation and journaling to begin creating a relationship with your future self.

♡ Map out and re-discover what lights you up and what you enjoy doing OUTSIDE your role as a mama/employee/sister/business owner/coach, etc.

♡ Start taking aligned action with the goals and dreams YOU want to create for yourself.

♡ Separate out your purpose from money so you tap into your innate worthiness. For example, your purpose might be to be a coach and even if you’re not making money yet, you’ll realise how that doesn’t take away from the importance of you doing that work.

Module 3: Permission to Prioritise Your Rest, Pleasure & Joy

♡ Stop waiting for the imaginary day when you ‘have enough time’ to give rest, pleasure and joy, and learn how to start making it a priority NOW.

♡ Learn how to calm your nervous system so you can actually access the energy required to bring your dreams into reality.

♡ Create your own rituals for joy, rest and pleasure so your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing become habits instead of afterthoughts 

Module 4: Permission to Be Courageous & Become Your Own Leader 

♡ Shift your relationship with fear so you can stop procrastinating on the projects and ideas that mean the most to you.

♡ Learn to release perfectionism and discover what it takes to have your own back, regardless of how well you “perform”.

Module 5: Inner Child Work  

Inner child work is about reparenting yourself, so you’re able to give your inner child what they needed in their childhood.

This process can be healing but it can also feel quite vulnerable, which is why this module comes in month 5 of our experience, once you’ve developed a strong sense of safety with the powerful women around you.
♡ Learn skills to soothe yourself when you’re triggered

♡ Naturally tap into a more compassionate version of yourself so even if you’ve struggled with self-compassion in the past, you’ll be able to drop into it quite regularly.

♡ Build the habit of talking to your inner child throughout the day/week so you feel supported in upsetting situations because you have your own back.

♡ Learn how to meet your needs in the moment so when you feel vulnerable, stressed or frustrated, you’re able to confidently answer the question, ‘what do I need right now?’

Module 6: Permission to Create Conscious Relationships 

As a social worker, everything I do is based in the knowing that even ONE person doing the work in a relationship will have a ripple effect on that relationship WITHOUT having to change the other person (this obviously excludes relationships where there’s violence or abuse).
You’ll learn how to use this to:

♡ Create and enforce boundaries with yourself and others so you feel able to say ‘no’ and give up people pleasing WITHOUT shaming yourself

♡ Create more fulfilling relationship from the inside out so you’re not relying on others to feel good about yourself

♡ Uncover where you’re giving your power away so you can take it back

Bonus: Early Access to  Worthy To Expand one of the Self-Coaching and Mindset Tools you’ll use throughout Permission Granted

Before our time together kicks off on 22nd of February 2023, you’ll already have access to all the self-coaching and mindset tools inside Permission Granted.

Which means you don’t have to wait to discover HOW to start showing up as unapologetically you.

You’ll receive access to all these tools by the end of December. 

Here’s how you’ll make your way through 
our growth-fuelled-yet-gentle 6 months together

Monthly circle

At the start of each month, we’ll meet on zoom in a monthly circle and do the work together.

This is where you’ll be introduced to the new month’s theme and module, and have the opportunity to get curious answering meaningful questions you’ve never considered for yourself.

You’ll also have time at the end of our call to share what’s come up for you and receive coaching (which everyone in the group benefits from).

“I’ve loved the monthly circles where we get to reflect individually in a group setting. I didn’t think this part of the experience would be good but it’s actually been so useful.” — Anonymous

“These calls are a place where I feel safe to be me. They’re a space to soften and relax.” — Anonymous  

Monthly circle

At the start of each month, we’ll meet on zoom in a monthly circle and do the work together.

This is where you’ll be introduced to the new month’s theme and module, and have the opportunity to get curious answering meaningful questions you’ve never considered for yourself.

You’ll also have time at the end of our call to share what’s come up for you and receive coaching (which everyone in the group benefits from).

“I’ve loved the monthly circles where we get to reflect individually in a group setting. I didn’t think this part of the experience would be good but it’s actually been so useful.” — Anonymous

“These calls are a place where I feel safe to be me. They’re a space to soften and relax.” — Anonymous  


Inner work without aligned action won’t bring you closer to creating the things in your life you want to create.

That’s why each module includes a small, specific experiment that you can take action on at your own pace.  
These experiments not only help you build the muscle of taking action from a place of self-belief and compassion, they help you uncover a trove information about yourself and your world and build a stronger sense of self.

“The experiments inside Permission Granted have been key for my change. I’ve always found taking action to be the hardest part because it’s much easier to analyse forever and not take action. So experiments that help me take immediate action have made this entire experience valuable” — Anonymous


Inner work without aligned action won’t bring you closer to creating the things in your life you want to create.

That’s why each module includes a small, specific experiment that you can take action on at your own pace.  
These experiments not only help you build the muscle of taking action from a place of self-belief and compassion, they help you uncover a trove information about yourself and your world and build a stronger sense of self.

“The experiments inside Permission Granted have been key for my change. I’ve always found taking action to be the hardest part because it’s much easier to analyse forever and not take action. So experiments that help me take immediate action have made this entire experience valuable” — Anonymous

Coaching Calls

Two weeks after our monthly circle, we’ll meet for a group coaching call.

 There are two call times to choose from, so you can pick the one that’s best for you.

This is your opportunity to talk about the deep stuff that doesn’t get much air time in day-to-day life. Every question gets answered, so if we need more than 60-90 minutes together, I’ll always stay on.  

These calls are for you to show up imperfectly to get whatever you need, even if you haven’t done the work from the monthly circle yet.

Kids, babies and fur babies welcome!

"I’ve found the coaching calls so valuable. Before Permission Granted I’d never been coached before but I’ve really benefited from the intentional approach and outside perspective on my inner world.” — Anonymous 

Coaching Calls

Two weeks after our monthly circle, we’ll meet for a group coaching call.

 There are two call times to choose from, so you can pick the one that’s best for you.

This is your opportunity to talk about the deep stuff that doesn’t get much air time in day-to-day life. Every question gets answered, so if we need more than 60-90 minutes together, I’ll always stay on.  

These calls are for you to show up imperfectly to get whatever you need, even if you haven’t done the work from the monthly circle yet.

Kids, babies and fur babies welcome!

"I’ve found the coaching calls so valuable. Before Permission Granted I’d never been coached before but I’ve really benefited from the intentional approach and outside perspective on my inner world.” — Anonymous 

Supportive, private community 

Throughout our 6 months together, you’ll be surrounded by an intimate group (no more than 20) of intelligent, compassionate women who WANT to see you show up as the unapologetic version of you. Between calls you’ll have the opportunity (if you WANT! Every feature within Permission Granted is optional) to share in a private online community.

“The group has been a big part of my positive experience in Permission Granted because I’ve been focusing on speaking up. So having a group that listens and is prepared to go deep and be vulnerable has made all the difference for me” — Anonymous.

“I met so many inspiring and open women. The connections we made from the conversations about vulnerability, and openness and struggles were amazing. It’s just been more valuable than I can even explain in words” — Steph 

Supportive, private community 

Throughout our 6 months together, you’ll be surrounded by an intimate group (no more than 20) of intelligent, compassionate women who WANT to see you show up as the unapologetic version of you. Between calls you’ll have the opportunity (if you WANT! Every feature within Permission Granted is optional) to share in a private online community.

“The group has been a big part of my positive experience in Permission Granted because I’ve been focusing on speaking up. So having a group that listens and is prepared to go deep and be vulnerable has made all the difference for me” — Anonymous.

“I met so many inspiring and open women. The connections we made from the conversations about vulnerability, and openness and struggles were amazing. It’s just been more valuable than I can even explain in words” — Steph 

Give yourself permission to be unapologetically you!

Permission Granted Gold

Interested in receiving 1:1 support from me each week?

  Join me in Permission Granted Gold. 

You’ll receive everything already included in Permission Granted along with 2 x 1:1 Coaching calls and weekly Voxer support where you get to ask questions and receive coaching via private voice messages.

 This VIP option is limited to 5 clients and costs a total of $1099AUD/month ($599 more per month than the standard Permission Granted experience). 

“The biggest transformation I’ve noticed is the way I’m now much more compassionate with myself.”

That’s why I would recommend Permission Granted to other women without hesitation. It's such a beautiful container full of lots of gentle accountability, oodles of love and support and a wonderful community.

Having such amazing, strong women on my side and cheering me on is invaluable. It's been such a wonderful bonus of Permission Granted.

- Lucy-Anne

Here’s what shifts when you build lasting self-belief, get clear on how YOU’RE uniquely designed to thrive, and learn how to take action with that as your fuel

Instead of…


Instead of...

Procrastinating on the things you care about most

Feeling paralysed by perfectionism

Lingering on the sidelines

People pleasing

Living by rules and ‘shoulds’ because it feels safe and familiar

Saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’


Experience more meaning and purpose in life because you’ve finally learnt how to take gentle, expansive action without exhausting yourself

Build the muscle of taking imperfect aligned action

Give yourself radical permission to speak up, find your voice and go for the life you’ve been dreaming about

Courageously put YOUR comfort at least on par with others

Feel safe to be unapologetically, flagrantly you

Experience more joy + rest because you’re honouring your ‘nos’

Procrastinating on the things you care about most

Experience more meaning and purpose in life because you’ve finally learnt how to take gentle, expansive action without exhausting yourself

Feeling paralysed by perfectionism

Build the muscle of taking imperfect aligned action

Lingering on the sidelines

Give yourself radical permission to speak up, find your voice and go for the life you’ve been dreaming about

People pleasing

Courageously put YOUR comfort at least on par with others

Living by rules and ‘shoulds’ because it feels safe and familiar

Feel safe to be unapologetically, flagrantly you

Saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’

Experience more joy + rest because you’re honouring your ‘nos’

Or receive all of this plus 1:1 support from me in Permission Granted Gold

Permission Granted is the perfect complement to the other work you’re doing right now in your life, business or career.

One of the reasons you’re here reading this is because you want to start prioritising you…

 And I know part of that means you have lots of reasons as to why it’s been hard to do that until now.

I also know there’s no such thing as the ‘perfect time’ for ‘one more thing’.

 That’s why Permission Granted is the program that makes it EASIER for you to take action in every other area of your life.
So whether you’re doing therapy, or you’re already in a business mastermind, or you just had a baby, or you’re entering a busy period at your company…

 All of these circumstances will benefit from you joining Permission Granted.  

In practical terms, we’ll be meeting once a fortnight, so you have plenty of spaciousness to integrate what you’re learning inside.

When you pair Permission Granted with everything else going on in your life you’ll finally learn...

 That perfection really *isn’t* required to have a good life and gain momentum with your dreams

 How to show up as unapologetically you in all areas of your life, with more loving boundaries so you get more time for you

The result of this is that you’ll not only get more time back.

You’ll save yourself endless amounts of energy because instead of saying yes to everything, expecting yourself to show up perfectly, and beating yourself up when you don’t…

…You’ll learn to be more discerning and intentional about how you spend your time and energy, and to show yourself more grace. 

Permission Granted isn’t just about journaling and talking things out.

Those things ARE a part of the mindset work, and can be transformative in themselves (which you’ve probably experienced for yourself by this point of your personal development journey).

But taking action, trying new things and having new experiences is just as important.

Because when you experience something NEW, you create new neural pathways and change your beliefs.

That’s why Permission Granted *isn’t* the kind of program where you simply gain more self-awareness.

That’s step one. And then you get access to something deeper: 

♡ You actually feel worthy and PRIORITISE your own needs and desires without shaming yourself for it.

Whether that means letting your mother-in-law know that you’re not ok with her dropping by unannounced, or giving yourself time each week to spend on a creative project that doesn’t have any ‘financial outcomes’

Or maybe you give yourself permission to hire that cleaner or nanny or VA because you realise that YOUR needs outside your role as a mum/wife/business owner are important 

 You nurture a relationship with yourself based on self-compassion instead of self-criticism

So when times get tough (e.g you have a launch that doesn’t go well or a sick baby, or go through conflict in your relationships), you still have your own back.  

You’re willing and able to be supported and seen for who you are, instead of the masked ‘I’m always resilient and strong!’ version of you that’s felt safe to hide behind until now

 Which means instead of toughing it out or staying quiet about what’s really going on in your inner world, you’re able to self-support without deflecting or isolating yourself.

This could look like accepting help when it’s offered or EVEN reaching out to a friend and sharing instead of  giving your energy like you usually do.

This is what it means to grant yourself permission to get your needs met and work towards YOUR dreams and goals from an innate sense of worthiness.

“I signed up because I knew this was the inner work and support that I needed to bust through my mind blocks!”

When I heard about Permission Granted, I was completely lost in a world that revolved around constantly switching from ‘mum mode’ to ‘work mode’ and back again.

I wasn’t giving any consideration for my own needs and self-care. I signed up because I knew this was the inner work and support that I needed to bust through my mind blocks!

I love Sam’s approach and gentle way of shining a light on the areas where there is work to be done. Her energy is so supportive, and she has a wealth of experience to draw on.  

The love and support from the program was amazing. I felt very heard, held and seen the entire time.  

My biggest transformation came from truly sharing my past struggles and shame for the first time in a group situation - a true sign of feeling very supported!  

This experience helped me to give myself more permission to have fun, and also to find the things that I love to do!

- Cat Skreiner

Or receive all of this plus 1:1 support from me in Permission Granted Gold

The work you do inside Permission Granted results in lasting transformation

Because permanent change doesn’t come from silver bullets or overnight fixes.

Instead, Permission Granted joins forces with your constant evolution to deepen your relationship with yourself, again and again and again.

By the end of our 6 months together, you won’t recognise how differently you feel about your life. You’ll have built entirely new neural pathways in how you relate to yourself and the world around you, and you’ll be equipped to continue these new patterns from that point on.

And if you’ve joined me in this coaching container before, and want to continue deepening the most important relationship in your life — the one with yourself — joining me for another 6 months in Permission Granted is your invitation to take that relationship to even deeper layers while receiving the support you de

Permission Granted Gold

Interested in receiving 1:1 support from me each week?

Join me in Permission Granted Gold

You’ll receive everything already included in Permission Granted along with 2 x 1:1 Coaching calls and weekly Voxer support where you get to ask questions and receive coaching via private voice messages.

This VIP option is limited to 5 clients and costs a total of $1099AUD/month ($599 more per month than the standard Permission Granted experience). 


Q. I already feel swamped with work/motherhood/business/life. How much time do I need to get through the content?

A. Permission Granted is designed as a space for you to be and an experience that integrates into your life.  1-2 hours per week is plenty of time.

But more importantly, Permission Granted is the coaching program that makes it easier to get everything else in your life done.  

Instead of taking action from a place of overwhelm and beating yourself up to ‘be better’, you’ll learn to show up in your life as the person you WANT to be: the unapologetic version of you who doesn’t get caught up in perfectionism, procrastination and people pleasing. Developing that skill won’t only give you hours back each week, you’ll get access to all the energy that you’re currently spending feeling overwhelmed. 

Q. When are the calls?

A. Permission Granted kicks off on the 22nd of February.  Our calls will be Wednesdays at 9.30am AWST &/OR  4.30PM AWST
(I offer two call times to accommodate a variety of timezones and working situations. )

Our Circles will be monthly  on Tuesdays at 9.30am AWST  

Q. What if I can’t make the calls live?  

A. All call replays are uploaded in our online home within 24 hours.

But if you miss a call and decide to not catch the replay, it won’t stop you from creating the change you’re here to make because perfect action is NOT required.  You’ll still continue to discover the map of who you truly are and build the skill of moving towards your dreams from a place of self-compassion, whether you watch every live call or not. 

Q. What support is available between calls?  

A. You have access to me in the Facebook group four days a week (Monday-Thursday). So if you feel like it, you’re welcome to post in the private group and request coaching from me and feedback from the others in the group. (Once, a client tagged me to ask my opinion on what career I could imagine her doing since at that point I’d known her for months — a great example that you’ll learn to ask for what you want and need.)

If you decide to join Permission Granted Gold (limited to 5 people) you’ll also get access to personal coaching from me via Voxer each week, as well as 2x 1:1 Coaching calls.  

Q. I’m already seeing a Counsellor/ Psychologist/Psychotherapist, will I still get something out of Permission Granted?  

A. Whilst Permission Granted isn’t designed to replace counselling/psychotherapy it is absolutely possible to do both.

Many past Permission Granted graduates who fall into this category have continued to see a therapist throughout the program to support them individually.  

As your coach, I’ll be holding you in a group experience and I’ll be offering you a different perspective to contribute to your wellbeing.

Q. What happens after I tap one of the red buttons on this page?
A. It will take you to a checkout page for you to make payment and secure one of the 20 spots in this round of Permission Granted.

Then you’ll receive a welcome email with everything you need to know to kickoff our time together on 22nd February.

Then in mid-December, you’ll receive a separate email that gives you instant access to the Mindset Tools bonus which introduces you to all the self coaching and mindset tools we’ll use throughout the whole six months. 

Q. I’m torn! Can we have a quick chat so I can see if this is the right program for me?
A. Absolutely! I’d love to help you talk through any lingering questions or concerns. Instagram DMs are my favourite places to talk through anything that’s coming up for you. Head on over here and tap the blue message button, and I’ll see your message most likely within the same day.

Questions answered and ready to make your decision?

Permission Granted Gold

Interested in receiving 1:1 support from me each week?

Join me in Permission Granted Gold

You’ll receive everything already included in Permission Granted along with 2 x 1:1 Coaching calls and weekly Voxer support where you get to ask questions and receive coaching via private voice messages.

This VIP option is limited to 5 clients and costs a total of $1099AUD/month ($599 more per month than the standard Permission Granted experience). 

You deserve to be well-resourced

In case you’ve made it this far…

And you feel the desire to join Permission Granted…

 But you’re looking for every reason not to…

Hi, I see you!

I know what it’s like to want something for yourself and be scared to have it, all at the same time.

But my work has shown me that more often than not, the reason you hesitate to make meaningful decisions for your life and well-being when your desire is there comes down to two things:

1. Your self-trust
2. Your self-worth

When either of those feel shaky, it can be too easy to put off what you really want for yourself.  

Because that’s usually when your very caring and protective brain goes to work to find any reason not to do the thing you want to do (even really valid ones, like balancing business and motherhood, or already having X commitments on your plate this year!).

 And so you tell yourself ‘I’ll do it later. I’ll do it when it’s a better time’.

 But what this really means is ‘I’ll prioritise myself and my own dreams and desires when it’s more convenient’.

The best time to prioritise yourself is now.  
The best time to build your self-trust and self-worth is now.  

And those are just three of the skills you’ll embody inside Permission Granted. 

Self-trust doesn’t mean that you 100% believe in yourself all the time and you never have self-doubt.

It’s that you have the bravery and courage to set the path to where you wanna go EVEN THOUGH it feels scary, and then you allow it to happen.  

And the other part of self trust is allowing yourself to be well-resourced.  

To surround yourself with people who will support you in those moments of self-doubt. People who are going to hold you to that higher vision of yourself.

 Those are the things you’re saying ‘yes’ to when you make the courageous decision to prioritise yourself and join Permission Granted.

Here is my power question for you, to help you make your decision about whether or not to join Permission Granted today:

If you truly believed that you were enough, right now — that you were worthy, that you’re important, that YOUR needs matter…

…what decision would you make?  

If your inner knowing is pointing towards joining me in Permission Granted, it’s safe to lean into the niggles that tell you what you truly want.  

And it would be a privilege to support you to build the inner resources that shift you from survival mode into confidently thriving.

Your transformation starts the moment you say ‘Yes’. 

Or receive all of this plus 1:1 support from me in Permission Granted Gold