Are you ready to uncover what you’re really – and truly – made of? 
(Spoiler: it’s the stuff of your wildest daydreams.)

I see you there. Perhaps you’re spending your 9-to-5 in a job that doesn’t light you up. Maybe you’re worn out from a constant battle with the mean voice in your head telling you you’re not smart/original/funny/experienced enough to chase your dreams (what, er, were they, again?). Perhaps you’ve just resigned yourself to a life of ho- hum because, well, maybe this is just what ‘growing up’ means? 

Either way, I’m guessing that if you’re here, this rings true: Once upon a time, you spent your days skipping giddily towards the happy ending(s) you knew you deserved… but these days, the glow has faded, replaced by a niggling feeling that you’ve inadvertently fallen off the path somewhere along the way.

You deserve so much, with an icing and a cherry on top) more my darling.

Hi, I’m Sam.

I’m a Positive Psychology Life Coach and psychotherapist with six years of university qualifications (from psychological therapy to CBT and even social work, I’ve studied it!), mama to a beautiful five-year-old, Amelie, and passionate advocate for living an inspired life.  

And? I’m here to walk beside you, straighten your crown and give you a gentle nudge in the direction of what’s truly possible for you in this life.

Worthy to Expand is a four-week power-coaching experience designed to help you reconnect with your innate worth, set alight your dreams (yep, they’re still there, patiently waiting for you) and set you back on the path towards your  own happily ever after.  (Prince not included).

Remember the days…

Remember when each morning marked a thrilling new beginning, and you skipped through life like a storybook protagonist on her very own choose-your-own adventure? Yes, once upon a time, you let yourself cradle hopes and wishes of the technicolour kind, secure in the deep knowing that you were walking skipping  towards your very own happy ending…

 Can you remember what it felt like?

You know, way back when your horizons were open-ended, and you let your starry- eyed gaze wander far and wide beyond the bounds of your current reality? (Whether it was convincing your mum to buy you the latest Cabbage Patch doll that you just k- n-e-w would complete your life; or going to the school dance with Josh from across the street, you had dreams, girl. You held onto these sweet hopes oh-so tightly, and this ever-present state of hope and possibility planted a sparkle in your eye, and a skip in your step). Those were the days...

Well, what if I told you…

There is a way back to this delicious way of being.

It all starts with believing that you are worthy. 

Worthiness is a deep sense of knowing that you are enough. That you were born worthy, and that your worthiness is not dependent on external measures like relationships, money or business success. It’s a recognition that you matter, and that your needs are important.

AND, when you are truly, down-to-your-bones embodying a state of worthiness, everything starts to shift, and in the most magical of ways. That so-made-for-you-it’s- crazy person (or tribe of people) shows up, the business idea takes shape, the shackles that have been reining you in fall away.

Are you ready to swap this (the doing ‘all the right things’ and yet somehow still feeling kinda empty; the endless self-criticism playing on loop in your head) for a life of expansion, boundless self-acceptance and infinite possibilities?

Come - together, let’s uncover the sparkle you thought had long turned  to dust.

 After working with Sam, I really felt like I'd been on a wonderful internal journey. The biggest transformation I’ve noticed is the way I’m now much more compassionate with myself.

I would recommend working with Sam to other women without hesitation. She creates such a beautiful container full of lots of gentle accountability, oodles of love and support and a wonderful community. 

Oh, and the connections with other women! Having such amazing, strong women on my side and cheering me on is invaluable. It's been such a wonderful bonus ."

- Lucy-Anne, Body Acceptance Coach

After working with Sam, I really felt like I'd been on a wonderful internal journey. The biggest transformation I’ve noticed is the way I’m now much more compassionate with myself.

I would recommend working with Sam in a group experience to other women without hesitation. It's such a beautiful container full of lots of gentle accountability, oodles of love and support and a wonderful community. 

Oh, and the connections with other women! Having such amazing, strong women on my side and cheering me on is invaluable. It's been such a wonderful bonus of Worthy to Expand."

- Lucy-Anne

Worthy to Expand is a four-week power coaching experience designed to remind you of your innate worth, and remove the shackles that have kept you playing small.

Created by Sam Dhu, university-qualified psychotherapist, positive psychology expert and coach with experience guiding thousands of women to craft a life bursting with joy.

When you join Worthy to Expand...

 You will receive:  

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule, creating habits & rituals to set you up for success.

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

When you join Worthy to Expand...

 You will receive:  

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule, creating habits & rituals to set you up for success.

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive: 
4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page.
 Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
Weekly playbooks to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again.)


Your daily schedule, creating habits & rituals to set you up for success.

"Honestly, it was the best 6 months. I didn’t realise I didn’t know myself very well until I did this work.

I had a lot going on in my life last year. I was in a toxic work environment. During my time working with Sam I realised the importance of building something that supports me, rather than just provides a lifeline.  

In August I finished working in the corporate world, and now I’m a virtual assistant specialising in systems and process development – which is all thanks to Sam! If I wasn’t working with Sam, there’s no way I would have left my job.  

Sam really makes you feel empowered to include joy in your life.

I met so many very motivated, but also incredibly inspiring and open women. The connections we made from the conversations about vulnerability, and openness and struggles were amazing.  

It’s just been more valuable than I can even explain in words.  

 I am so grateful, because I feel like I can go into this year being  more aligned, and knowing that everything I’m doing, I’m doing it for me, rather than trying to please someone else."  

- Steph

"Honestly, it was the best 6 months. I didn’t realise I didn’t know myself very well until I did this work.

I had a lot going on in my life last year. I was in a toxic work environment. During my time working with Sam I realised the importance of building something that supports me, rather than just provides a lifeline.  

In August I finished working in the corporate world, and now I’m a virtual assistant specialising in systems and process development – which is all thanks to Sam! If I wasn’t working with Sam, there’s no way I would have left my job.  

Sam really makes you feel empowered to include joy in your life.

I met so many very motivated, but also incredibly inspiring and open women. The connections we made from the conversations about vulnerability, and openness and struggles were amazing.  

It’s just been more valuable than I can even explain in words.  

 I am so grateful, because I feel like I can go into this year being  more aligned, and knowing that everything I’m doing, I’m doing it for me, rather than trying to please someone else."  

- Steph, Biz Systems Guru

If you truly believed that you were enough … how would you show up in the world?

You’ll be able to ACKNOWLEDGE when you are:

♡ Playing that inner mean girl soundtrack on repeat in your head

♡ Feeling like you’re ‘not important enough’ to ask for what you want

♡ Believing you’re ‘not enough’, full stop

♡ Secretly worrying that there’s maybe probably something wrong with you

And by then end of our time together, you will START:

♡ Finding the courage to invest in yourself or your business (think booking the babysitter so you can attend a weekly yoga class, or hiring that website designer you’ve been Insta-stalking for months)

♡ Being loving and compassionate with yourself (whatever that looks like for you)

♡ Feeling worthy enough to let yourself expand beyond Plan B and dream big

♡ Replacing procrastination with brave, soul-driven action

♡ Imagining (and, damn it, expecting) that your life can be whatever you want it to be

You’ll be able to ACKNOWLEDGE when you are:

♡ Playing that inner mean girl soundtrack on repeat in your head

♡ Feeling like you’re ‘not important enough’ to ask for what you want

♡ Believing you’re ‘not enough’, full stop

♡ Secretly worrying that there’s maybe probably something wrong with you

And by then end of our time together, you will START:

♡ Finding the courage to invest in yourself or your business (think booking the babysitter so you can attend a weekly yoga class, or hiring that website designer you’ve been Insta-stalking for months)

♡ Being loving and compassionate with yourself (whatever that looks like for you)

♡ Feeling worthy enough to let yourself expand beyond Plan B and dream big

♡ Replacing procrastination with brave, soul-driven action

♡ Imagining (and, damn it, expecting) that your life can be whatever you want it to be

You’ll be able to ACKNOWLEDGE when you are:

♡ Playing that inner mean girl soundtrack on repeat in your head

♡ Feeling like you’re ‘not important enough’ to ask for what you want

♡ Believing you’re ‘not enough’, full stop

♡ Secretly worrying that there’s maybe probably something wrong with you

And by then end of our time together, you will START:

♡ Finding the courage to invest in yourself or your business (think booking the babysitter so you can attend a weekly yoga class, or hiring that website designer you’ve been Insta-stalking for months)

♡ Being loving and compassionate with yourself (whatever that looks like for you)

♡ Feeling worthy enough to let yourself expand beyond Plan B and dream big

♡ Replacing procrastination with brave, soul-driven action

♡ Imagining (and, damn it, expecting) that your life can be whatever you want it to be

Hi there!

  I'm so glad you're here.   After 15 years’ professional experience supporting women just like you, I can tell you that using evidence-based tools to support women to expand has out-of-this-world results. Through using these science-backed techniques, I've seen countless women grow into a deep sense of worthiness, untamed self-acceptance and infinite possibility. 

 And, it’s my mission to show you that you have full permission to own your worthiness, so that you can embrace your true nature and begin walking boldly towards your dreams.

I have a Bachelor of Social Work (Curtin University/AMHSW), post-graduate qualifications in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/Psychological Therapy (Southampton University), and post-graduate training in Family Therapy (Latrobe University) and Gestalt Therapy (GTIWA).

Today, I am so grateful to combine this academic background and my extensive clinical and professional experience, along with a myriad of personal learnings from my own journey into worthiness (more on that later), to do what I truly love. Which is? Spending my days helping beautiful women just like you, to return to a place of boundless worthiness and infinite possibility.  

Come, let’s join forces…

Hi there!

 I’m Sam, a psychotherapist and Positive Psychology Life Coach and with six years of university qualifications and over 15 years’ professional experience supporting women just like you (thousands, in fact).

 I absolutely adore using evidence-based tools to support modern women to expand into a deep sense of worthiness, untamed self-acceptance and infinite possibility. And, it’s my mission to show you that you have full permission to own your worthiness, so that you can embrace your true nature and begin walking boldly towards your dreams.

I have a Bachelor of Social Work (Curtin University/AMHSW), post-graduate qualifications in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/Psychological Therapy (Southampton University), and post-graduate training in Family Therapy (Latrobe University) and Gestalt Therapy (GTIWA).

Today, I am so grateful to combine this academic background and my extensive clinical and professional experience, along with a myriad of personal learnings from my own journey into worthiness (more on that later), to do what I truly love. Which is? Spending my days helping beautiful women just like you, to return to a place of boundless worthiness and infinite possibility.

Come, let’s join forces…

Hi there!

 I’m Sam, a psychotherapist and Positive Psychology Life Coach and with six years of university qualifications and over 15 years’ professional experience supporting women just like you (thousands, in fact).

 I absolutely adore using evidence-based tools to support modern women to expand into a deep sense of worthiness, untamed self-acceptance and infinite possibility. And, it’s my mission to show you that you have full permission to own your worthiness, so that you can embrace your true nature and begin walking boldly towards your dreams.

I have a Bachelor of Social Work (Curtin University/AMHSW), post-graduate qualifications in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/Psychological Therapy (Southampton University), and post-graduate training in Family Therapy (Latrobe University) and Gestalt Therapy (GTIWA).

Today, I am so grateful to combine this academic background and my extensive clinical and professional experience, along with a myriad of personal learnings from my own journey into worthiness (more on that later), to do what I truly love. Which is? Spending my days helping beautiful women just like you, to return to a place of boundless worthiness and infinite possibility.

Come, let’s join forces…

Worthy To Expand

What to Expect...

You will be guided to connect to your personal worthiness stories and uncover your own unique-to-you limiting beliefs around worthiness.

We’ll use evidence-based tools to embark on a deep-dive together to understand how your past impacts on the lens through which you view yourself, others and the world.

You will reframe your own worthiness story and begin to choose your own adventure! I will support you to expand your vision beyond the borders of your own mind, so you can dream BIG, bold and bright-as-can-be.

It’s time to take inspired action towards your sparkling new horizon. Together, we’ll get crystal-clear on who you need to BE to call in the future you deserve - and we’ll map out the action steps you’re going to take to get there.

To the ones who still believe in dreams:
Chase them
Until you are out of breath
And then keep running

Why I (Really) Created Worthy to Expand

Here’s the thing: I truly believe that our self-worth underpins everything we attract into our life. I have learnt this partly through my academic studies in psychotherapy and positive psychology, but my mission to help women uncover their own worthiness runs deeper still.

In fact, if I’m going to get really vulnerable with you, my personal backstory includes my own painful struggles with worthiness. Particularly in my early twenties, I dealt with patterns of unhealthy relationships and a tendency to sacrifice my own needs (you can hear more about this in Episode 2 of my podcast, Permission To).

I found the courage to reach out for professional help, and through years of personal work, therapy and coaching, I worked on overcoming my own ‘unworthiness stories’. It definitely wasn’t all easy, but let me tell you, boy is this work worth it.

And today? I feel as free as a bird, running my own six-figure business with a beautiful family by my side. And the best bit? I can soak it all in, knowing in my bones that I deserve all of this, and more. 
These days, I believe that each and every one of us arrive on this planet with an equal measure of worth. Our worthiness is innate, and infinite – and it doesn’t discriminate.

Think about a little baby, all squishable cheeks and heart-melting gurgles. She cries out when she wants milk, she reaches for a pair of loving arms when she needs a cuddle. She doesn’t stop to assess whether she ‘should’ get her needs met, or if she ‘deserves’ love today – she just knows in her tiny little bones that she is worthy. She trusts that she will receive love, and have her needs met, not because she did anything to ‘earn’ it, but simply on account of the fact that her heart beats.

This, my love, is how we are all born. It’s just that somewhere along the way, we forget. Thanks to childhood experiences, conflicting messages and a myriad of other  forces us modern-day women face, most of us lose our way.

If we have learnt to believe we are undeserving, our self-criticism get louder and louder, and over time we create ‘unworthiness’ beliefs about ourselves. These ideas become stories of the most unhelpful kind (hint: they don’t often lead to fairytale endings) that we carry around – often completely unawares. Eventually, it can feel easier to narrow our gaze, (or even close our eyes altogether), to stop looking for  more.

 Is any of this feeling familiar, lovely?

That’s because it’s so, so common. All too often, we can actually forget that there is a whole world (a bright, technicolour juicy one) beyond our current circumstances. (There is always, always more).

And so, I’m here to help guide you back home. To that warm, safe, expansive place of knowing that you are worthy, you are whole, and you are deserving of all of your biggest, brightest dreams. (Yes, even the ones you haven’t conjured up yet).
These days, I believe that each and every one of us arrive on this planet with an equal measure of worth. Our worthiness is innate, and infinite – and it doesn’t discriminate.

Think about a little baby, all squishable cheeks and heart-melting gurgles. She cries out when she wants milk, she reaches for a pair of loving arms when she needs a cuddle. She doesn’t stop to assess whether she ‘should’ get her needs met, or if she ‘deserves’ love today – she just knows in her tiny little bones that she is worthy. She trusts that she will receive love, and have her needs met, not because she did anything to ‘earn’ it, but simply on account of the fact that her heart beats.

This, my love, is how we are all born. It’s just that somewhere along the way, we forget. Thanks to childhood experiences, conflicting messages and a myriad of other  forces us modern-day women face, most of us lose our way.

If we have learnt to believe we are undeserving, our self-criticism get louder and louder, and over time we create ‘unworthiness’ beliefs about ourselves. These ideas become stories of the most unhelpful kind (hint: they don’t often lead to fairytale endings) that we carry around – often completely unawares. Eventually, it can feel easier to narrow our gaze, (or even close our eyes altogether), to stop looking for  more.

 Is any of this feeling familiar, lovely?

That’s because it’s so, so common. All too often, we can actually forget that there is a whole world (a bright, technicolour juicy one) beyond our current circumstances. (There is always, always more).

And so, I’m here to help guide you back home. To that warm, safe, expansive place of knowing that you are worthy, you are whole, and you are deserving of all of your biggest, brightest dreams. (Yes, even the ones you haven’t conjured up yet).
These days, I believe that each and every one of us arrive on this planet with an equal measure of worth. Our worthiness is innate, and infinite – and it doesn’t discriminate.

Think about a little baby, all squishable cheeks and heart-melting gurgles. She cries out when she wants milk, she reaches for a pair of loving arms when she needs a cuddle. She doesn’t stop to assess whether she ‘should’ get her needs met, or if she ‘deserves’ love today – she just knows in her tiny little bones that she is worthy. She trusts that she will receive love, and have her needs met, not because she did anything to ‘earn’ it, but simply on account of the fact that her heart beats.

This, my love, is how we are all born. It’s just that somewhere along the way, we forget. Thanks to childhood experiences, conflicting messages and a myriad of other  forces us modern-day women face, most of us lose our way.

If we have learnt to believe we are undeserving, our self-criticism get louder and louder, and over time we create ‘unworthiness’ beliefs about ourselves. These ideas become stories of the most unhelpful kind (hint: they don’t often lead to fairytale endings) that we carry around – often completely unawares. Eventually, it can feel easier to narrow our gaze, (or even close our eyes altogether), to stop looking for  more.

 Is any of this feeling familiar, lovely?

That’s because it’s so, so common. All too often, we can actually forget that there is a whole world (a bright, technicolour juicy one) beyond our current circumstances. (There is always, always more).

And so, I’m here to help guide you back home. To that warm, safe, expansive place of knowing that you are worthy, you are whole, and you are deserving of all of your biggest, brightest dreams. (Yes, even the ones you haven’t conjured up yet).




The Fine Print:
 - Cart Opens Thursday the 12th of August
 - Cart Closes Thursday the 26th of August  
- Worthy To Expand kicks off on Sunday the 29th of August
-1:1 Upgrade available at checkout (places are limited) 

The Fine Print:
 - Cart Opens Thursday the 12th of August
 - Cart Closes Thursday the 26th of August  
- Worthy To Expand kicks off on Sunday the 29th of August
-1:1 Upgrade available at checkout (places are limited) 

"When I decided to work with Sam, I was completely lost in a world that revolved around constantly switching from ‘mum mode’ to ‘work mode’ and back again. I wasn’t giving any consideration for my own needs and self-care. I signed up because I knew this was the inner work and support that I needed to bust through my mind blocks!

I love Sam’s approach and gentle way of shining a light on the areas where there is work to be done. Her energy is so supportive, and she has a wealth of experience to draw on.  

I’m sad that the experience has come to an end, because the love and support from the program was amazing. I felt very heard, held and seen the entire time. My biggest transformation came from truly sharing my past struggles and shame for the first time in a group situation - a true sign of feeling very supported!  

This experience helped me to give myself more permission to have fun, and also to find the things that I love to do! I would recommend working with Sam to any woman in business."

Cat Skreiner

"When I started working with Sam, I was completely lost in a world that revolved around constantly switching from ‘mum mode’ to ‘work mode’ and back again. I wasn’t giving any consideration for my own needs and self-care. I signed up because I knew this was the inner work and support that I needed to bust through my mind blocks!

I love Sam’s approach and gentle way of shining a light on the areas where there is work to be done. Her energy is so supportive, and she has a wealth of experience to draw on.  

I’m sad that the experience has come to an end, because the love and support from the program was amazing. I felt very heard, held and seen the entire time. My biggest transformation came from truly sharing my past struggles and shame for the first time in a group situation - a true sign of feeling very supported!  

This experience helped me to give myself more permission to have fun, and also to find the things that I love to do! I would recommend working with Sam to any woman in business."

Cat Skreiner

Are you ready to tap into the worthiness mindset, so that you can have everything you want?

Warning: Working on your worthiness can change your life forever  

What if I told you…
You could expand into any reality that you dreamt of? More than what your friends and family have, or what you currently believe is possible?

 Scroll on…

Did you know that research has shown that our expectations can literally bend our reality? 

In fact, in medical circles there’s even a phenomenon known as the ‘Nocebo Effect’, whereby if a person has negative expectations during medical treatment, they are much more likely to experience a poor result.

Yep, our expectations of how we believe our life will unfold are oh-so powerful. And usually, these are shaped by the beliefs passed on to us during childhood. For example, maybe you heard messaging from the people around you that, ‘We don’t have much money’, or ‘The world is an unfair place’, or perhaps you were told things like, ‘You’re selfish’ or ‘You should get A grades like your sister’. Is this ringing any bells, lovely?

These ideas of not being ‘deserving’ or ‘enough’ are typically carried within us on a subconscious level well into adulthood, affecting everything we create in our lives. If we believe on some level that we are not worthy of a bigger, brighter reality, you can all but guarantee we’ll manage to trip ourselves up on the way (or even stop hoping for positive change altogether).

The good news? This is 100% something that is within our power to change. And together, during Worthy To Expand, I’ll show you how to do just that.

This is no cookie-cutter 10-steps-to-worthiness caper. The nature of this experience means we’ll have the space to carefully unpack each and every participant’s unique-to-her limiting beliefs around worthiness (or lack thereof).

 I’ll be honest, it’s not easy (otherwise we’d all be there already) BUT when you take up the challenge and ‘do the work’? Well, the results are out of this world.

Scroll on, lady.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The 4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page will be happening on Thursdays.  Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives. This is your chance to integrate your learning and ask any questions you may have. Call times: (2 x 9am AWST & 2 x 4pm AWST.)

There are two additional zoom 90 minute Group coaching calls. These are scheduled for 9.30am AWST on Tuesdays and  include live coaching with Sam. 

There will be a recording available for you to watch any of the calls. There is also the opportunity to share questions anonymously or with the group. This means that even if you cant make a group coaching call or a facebook q+a call you can still have your questions answered.  

It is absolutely possible to make positive changes in this time frame. The reality is we will be spending 4 weeks together to set you up to then have the tools that you can use for the next 90 days (and beyond) For best results, I recommend that participants choose one area of their life to focus on, for example your relationships, motherhood, business, art, public speaking, etc. Once you’re armed with the process I will teach you, you can use again and again in all areas of your life



I believe that in this life, we’re all just walking each other home.

And sometimes, we all need to lean on our sisterhood for support. We can do this life alone, sure - but isn’t it richer, juicier and deeper when we join forces?

In addition to my extensive professional expertise, Worthy to Expand offers a rich, supportive community of likeminded, soul-driven women who are all yearning for a more inspired life. Over four weeks of power coaching, you will receive loving professional guidance and support (apparently, according to my past clients, I am compassionate, gentle and relatable!) as well as carving authentic connections with your very own band of cheerleaders.  

Together, we will embark on a journey to uncover your limiting beliefs around worthiness, so that you can see through the fog of all your limiting beliefs. And then (the really juicy part) we’ll cheer you on as you expand your lens, and go after whatever it is you finally see that you truly desire. 

Worthy to Expand kicks off on Sunday the 29th of August

It’s time to open up to new hopes and dreams and possibilities.
 It’s your time, my darling.

Please note, this course doesn’t constitute therapy and isn’t a suitable treatment for depression, anxiety, or psychological distress. The content of this program is appropriate as an addition to the treatment from your doctors and mental health professionals, but it is not designed to replace treatments for acute psychological distress. If you feel significantly depressed, anxious or are struggling with other symptoms of mental or psychological distress, please seek help from your doctor or mental health professional.

Terms and Conditions