Worthy to Expand

 The 2 hour Immersion

Learn how to navigate your sensitivity and deep ambition to go after what you really want.

As a highly sensitive person you grew up thinking there was something a little bit different about you…

You were often told you’re too sensitive, too soft and think too much – so it’s not surprising you try to hide your sensitivity and instead find yourself…

> Prioritising others needs ahead of your own – some would say you treat others better than you treat yourself

> Struggling to say the word ‘NO’ or implement boundaries because you don’t want to let anyone else down – better you than someone else right?  

> Procrastinating on things that are really important to you because your inner mean girl is telling you you’re not smart/original/funny/experience enough to chase your dreams 

But your sensitivity isn’t something you should hide (it’s actually a good thing!) and you DEFINITELY deserve to go after everything you really want (the stuff of your wildest daydreams)!

Yes! You can beautifully balance being both deeply sensitive AND highly ambitious and I want to show you how… 

Hi, I’m Sam.

A Highly Sensitive Person, Positive Psychology Life Coach, psychotherapist, Mum to seven-year-old, Amelie and toddler Frankie, and passionate advocate for being radically kind and compassionate to yourself.  

And? I’m here to walk beside you, straighten your crown and give you a gentle nudge in the direction of what’s truly possible for you in this life. 

As a highly sensitive person, I know it can sometimes feel like you’re in a battle with the different parts of yourself…

You’re trying to find the balance between going ALL IN on your deepest desires and not letting everyone else down in the process. That “good girl” conditioning can be a bitch can’t it?!

It all starts with believing you are worthy. 

Worthiness is a deep sense of knowing that you are enough. That you were born worthy, and that your worthiness is not dependent on external measures like relationships, money or business success.

It’s a recognition that you matter, and that your needs are important.

AND, when you truly embody a state of worthiness, everything starts to shift – in the most magical of ways.  

So if you’re ready to swap the sensitivity shaming for a life of expansion, boundless self-acceptance and infinite possibilities – come and join me for…  

Worthy to Expand

The 2 hour mini-mind to learn how to navigate your sensitivity and deep ambition to go after what you really want.

This group coaching immersion has been created to remind you of your innate worth, and remove the sensitivity shackles that have kept you playing small. 

An evidence-based approach to Dreaming, Thinking and Playing BIG  

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive: 

2 hour Immersion

To slow down and re-set so you can prioritise your desires 

An opportunity for sharing and connection amongst a beautiful group of highly sensitive humans 

An opportunity for sharing and connection amongst a beautiful group of highly sensitive humans 

A Playbook 

To support you to continue working on your worthiness 

A recording of the immersion which you can come back to at anytime

A recording of the immersion which you can come back to at anytime

Choose your level of support…

There’s 3 levels of support to choose from depending on



+ 4 Group Coaching Calls


+ 4 Group Coaching Calls
+ 1x 60 minute 1:1 coaching call 
+ 2weeks Voxer support with Sam


If you truly believed that you were enough … how would you show up in the world?

You’ll be able to ACKNOWLEDGE when you are:

♡ Playing that inner mean girl soundtrack on repeat in your head

♡ Feeling like you’re ‘not important enough’ to ask for what you want

♡ Believing you’re ‘not enough’, full stop

♡ Secretly worrying that there’s maybe probably something wrong with you

♡ Settling in a job you’ve outgrown or playing it small in your business  

And by then end of our time together, you will START:

♡ To be more in touch with your own wants, needs and desires and make them a priority

♡ Being loving and compassionate with yourself (whatever that looks like for you)

♡ Feeling worthy enough to let yourself expand beyond Plan B and dream big

♡ Replacing procrastination with brave, soul-driven action

♡ Imagining (and, damn it, expecting) that your life can be whatever you want it to be

And by then end of our time together, you will START:

♡ To be more in touch with your own wants, needs and desires and make them a priority

♡ Being loving and compassionate with yourself (whatever that looks like for you)

♡ Feeling worthy enough to let yourself expand beyond Plan B and dream big

♡ Replacing procrastination with brave, soul-driven action

♡ Imagining (and, damn it, expecting) that your life can be whatever you want it to be

It's my mission to show you that you have full permission own your sensitivity and your worthiness so you can embrace your true nature and walk boldly towards your dreams. 

Come, let’s join forces! 

Warning: Working on your worthiness can change your life forever 

Because when you unconditionally believe you are worthy and deserving – everything you’ve ever dreamt of suddenly becomes possible.

  And the good news? This is 100% something that’s within your power to shift. And together, during Worthy to Expand, I’ll show you how to do that.  

It’s time to open up to new hopes, dreams and possibilities – it’s your time, my darling.   

Say it with me – I AM worthy and deserving of ALL of my biggest, brightest dreams!  



+ 4 Group Coaching Calls


+ 4 Group Coaching Calls
+ 1x 60 minute 1:1 coaching call 
+ 2weeks Voxer support with Sam


Created by Sam Dhu, university-qualified psychotherapist, positive psychology expert and coach with experience guiding thousands of women to craft a life bursting with joy.

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

When you join Worthy to Expand...

You will receive:  

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

4 weeks of power coaching inside the Worthy To Expand Facebook Page. 
Sam will be answering your questions weekly via facebook lives.

 4 workbooks
A weekly playbook to support you to do the work and learn the tools.

 4 video & audio trainings
Released weekly so that you can build on the tools you learn each week gaining confidence & momentum.

2 x 90 minute group zoom calls including live coaching with Sam

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community

Exclusive access to a private group of likeminded women via a pop-up Facebook community


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule


A daily evidence-based practice to energise and inspire you to (provided as an audio and worksheet that you can listen to on your phone over and over again).


Your daily schedule