Yes, You're Ready! 

Your Ultimate Guide to Leaving Procrastination in the Past  & Living More of the Life You Desire

Kickstart your 2023 with this FREE value-packed guide and audio, designed to help you confidently stop self sabotaging and shift old patterns…

… so you can get moving on what you REALLY want (now!)    

Drawing on more than a decade of experience as a Coach, Psychotherapist & Social Worker and more than six years of university level training, this guide is one you don’t want to miss! 

Do you...

➞ Have the clarity and spark of desire to do that thing that’s important to you… but find procrastination consistently blocks you actually starting and gaining momentum?

➞ Get so busy taking care of everyone else that you don’t know where to start when it comes to prioritising your OWN needs (let alone connecting with something as indulgent as ‘desires?’) 

➞ Feel exhausted at the idea of what it would take to achieve your dreams and desires? 

If so, you’re in the right place.  

Grab your FREE guide + audio, and learn how to:

Break the cycles of procrastination, self-sacrificing and people-pleasing

♡ Stop weaponising your sensitivity and ability to feel things deeply against yourself, and start using it as a superpower instead  

Build the skill of taking action by connecting to your self-worth and self-belief…    


I’m a Positive Psychology Life Coach, psychotherapist,  Mum to six-year-old, Amelie and baby Frankie, and passionate advocate for being radically kind and compassionate to yourself.

 Terms like ‘self-compassion’, ‘self-worth’ and ‘self-acceptance’ get used a lot these days, but to me, these aren’t just ‘nice sounding words’.

My degree in social work, post-graduate qualifications, training in cognitive behavioural therapy, family therapy, gestalt therapy, and decades as a practising therapist and coach have shown me these inner resources are the difference between being stuck in survival mode and confidently thriving.

I’ve seen time and again how self-belief and the way you treat yourself impacts EVERY area of your life.

- Your career
- Your relationships
- Your mothering

I can’t wait to share more inside!